Friday, June 29, 2007

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


You know you are completely and hopelessly rejected when you get this face from the kindest one.

Monday, June 11, 2007






This is my little cliff home on the Li River in Gualin. It used to be a temple, but it was abandoned once it was discovered it was haunted. That keeps the villagers away. I'm about 120 miles from anyone, and I get a lot of fishing and painting done. See my patio there? That's where I come out to draw paint the sunset. Every morning a mist covers that valley, and the thin mountain collumns look like the'yre rising out of nowhere. You can hike to the top and see for miles. Weather's pretty moderate with a weekly thunderstorm to keep things exciting, and in the winter a little snow falls. That's when I hike to the natural hot springs for a soak.

Who keeps me company? Monkeys.